Returning after a year.

On the 18th of July 2023, I released a Demo of Flint to audiences across the globe to play. 

This demo proved to not be very good, not in a buggy way (although it had a good share of technical issues) it just wasn't very fun. If a game isn't fun, why is it there? So I went back to the drawing board. I looked at what this game needed to be fun, what it needed to be engaging and I realized what it needed was  a Story, so in March of 2024. I got to work: Delicately weaving a narrative and restructuring the game's systems in on themselves to completely and utterly Redefine what Flint is. If you played Flint before, you may see this and think not much of it, but almost half a years work has gone into making the game a more fulfilling, consistent and entertaining experience. 

I don't like beating around the bush, Flint was a very boring game. Design-wise, it was lacking in the fundamental nuances of an entertaining adventure. It forced you to grind without context or a goal in mind, with no real knowledge of why or even how. I originally intended that people would discover the mystery for themselves, in truth there was no mystery, only a vague trifling of what could be with no rhyme or reason. You would grind for equipment, fight monsters and then grind for equipment. This was the entirety of the Flint experience,  saved only by its charming (albeit amateur) presentation.

I languished over the death of Flint for a very long time before restarting, even the mention of it from a friend would cause me great irritation due to the being of its unsuccess. I went through many heartaches, regrets and grew as a person. I was a boy when I started this project Five Years ago. Now, I am a woman and only now do I have a somewhat keen idea of what I want Flint to become. I am now fully proud of what it is.

The New Flint Demo is for all to see and play. It will be releasing later this year on steam as well.


Flint Demo 230 MB
85 days ago

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